Part 40: Mission 16 (Japan Route) - A Compromising Soul - Part 2

We still need to kill everything (both Lu Bu and Diaochan this time) but do note that while you dont need to worry about Kouichi and Joe anymore, you still DO to make sure Soubi survives. And that can be a problem with all the fresh Armas, plus the two Shura. Rush your guys up, kill Yulianne ASAP (so that she doesnt further weaken the Talisman) and make sure you keep a steady pace ahead of Soubi.

SD Gundam Secret 2nd step: once again, have Sun Quan shoot down Lu Bu.
Same tactics as before apply.

Fafner Mark Fünf (Mamoru Koudate)
Pilot Skills:
Synergetic Code L1
Support Attack L1
Support Defense L2
Spirit Commands:
Mech Features:
Aegis negates any damage below 3000(!)
Siegfried System
Squad Bonus: Melee weapons +100, HP +500 (Melee weapons +200, HP +1000, Armor +125)
Mamorus voice actress: Mitsuki Saiga (other roles: Rossiu in TTGL, Revive in 00 Gundam, Jun in the Mazinkaiser OVA and many more)

Fafner Mark Acht (Kenji Kondo)
Pilot Skills:
Synergetic Code L2
Support Attack L1
Support Defense L2
All Attack L1
Spirit Commands:
Mech Features:
Norn System
Siegfried System
Squad Bonus: Armor +100, EN +50 (Armor +150, EN +100, Exp +15%)
Kenjis voice actor: Minoru Shiraishi (other roles: himself in Lucky Star, Taniguchi in Haruhi Suzumiya, and some more)

Fafner Mark Drei (Sakura Kaname)
Pilot Skills:
Synergetic Code L2
Support Attack L1
Support Defense L1
All Attack L1
Spirit Commands:
Fighting Spirit
Mech Features:
Norn System
Siegfried System
Squad Bonus: Crit rate +10, melee weapons +100 (Crit rate +20, melee weapons +200, HP +1000)
Sakuras voice actress: Satomi Arai (other roles: Fa and Haro in Z Gundam, Lala Hiyama in Knights of Sidonia, Kuroko Shirai in A Certain Magical Index and stuff, and several more)
The Mark Acht and Drei are mostly squaddie material, though rather high tier ones.
Kenjis got the same Medusa cannons Koyo did, making him an easy fit with snipers. His Squad Bonus is geared towards units like the Hind, though the Acht hasnt a whole lot of tricks beyond that. It just packs a decent punch.
Sakuras the best pilot of the trio, with stats a step below Kazukis but with even better morale gains thanks to her

GOUBINE, however, is the star here and the Mark Fünf is straight-up the best Fafner we have right now by a decent margin: a lot of armor, that beautiful Aegis, and surprisingly high attack power for a non-protag unit. For example, his Goubine Smash is only 200 points weaker than Kaidos Gazanto, but the kicker is that the Fünf follows a B-type weapon upgrade path, while most protag units, if you remember, are C-types.
Mamorus got top morale gains, a lot of defense and all-around decent stats, too. The Fünfs only major issue is that its somewhat lacking in range, but that also applies to many other units. The Synergetic Code already gives Mamoru an increase to Evasion and Accuracy, so the enemies will have a tough time doing lasting damage. You can also use Skill Parts to give Mamoru Prevail and/or Guard and itll take a big boss to even touch him.
I say these three are very easy to fit in any team, especially with that combined attack setting them pretty high in the damage ladder.
And speaking of that attack

Fafner secret #2 3rd and 4th step: we havent reached the 1st and 2nd steps route flags yet, but you can already do these. You have until stage 34 to use the Triple Dog Formation attack 5+ times (the event one doesnt count) and until stage 37 to get 150 kills between Mamoru, Kenji and Sakura.
Pretty simple, really, so long as you remember to do their combo attack at least once every other mission. Kenjis weak will gains can be a hindrance, but its nothing we cant handle.
Now lets rain hell on Yulianne and carve a path to Lu Bu.

And, finally, I get the show off the DK for the Juumas best attack!
We get MORE Ishigamis Deluxe Sushi from her!

Now for an attack showcase. Heres Sakuras best non-combined one
And Mamorus
And Kenjis second best. Im pretty sure his Medusa looks the same as Koyos, but I couldnt use it today.
Soubi had the bright idea of pursuing Lu Bu. The fool
Finally, Diaochans Funnels.

Lu Bu attacking: I shall deliver you to your father and brothers side!
Sun Quan: In the name of my father, Sun Jian, and my brother, Sun Ce! Your end is come, Lu Bu!
Lu Bu drops a Mirishan Rice Ball (+10 Skill and Melee, +5 Evasion)

Shangxiang attacking: So what youre a Shura! You dont scare me one bit!

*Tobikage splits off!*

Just one convo we missed because Joe couldnt reach Yulianne before the Tobikage event:

Back at Soubis place, our folks are treated to some mighty tasty food its got Joe and Damian flipping out. Kindly old lady Kaoru tells everyone to have as much as theyd like, as theres plenty to go around. Kouichi looks at the quiet Soubi and inches over to Domyoji, confused: he thought they were going to talk Machinas, not have just a regular old dinner.
Domyoji suggests he keep that stuff to himself for now Soubis demeanor did a full 180 ever since Kaoru turned up. Its possible he keeps the Machina stuff a secret from her. When Kaoru asks, Shizuna confirms that shes from around Tokyo (Haneda, with the airport), which actually isnt too far from where Kaoru was born.
Kaorus from Kamata herself, and remembers well growing in what used to be renowned as the film capital of Japan but her tale is interrupted when a hacking cough sets in. Soubi rushes to her aid this is why hed asked her to keep resting. Still, Kaoru says shes fine. I havent felt joy like this in a long while. Please, just tonight

Over by the hot springs, our folks ponder this very strange village: a place that has a Machina worshiped as a demon and villagers that are martial artists on par with ninjas. To say nothing about Kaoru, someone not native to this place, and her caretaker, Soubi, the ONLY young person in the entire village.
Arnie remembers Domyoji saying something about there being a curse here? Yeah, but the more hes pondering this, the more complicated things seem. He turns to Damian and asks if he found anything significant when he was sneaking around the place.
Hmhmhm, Im glad you asked! Yes, I did uncover a major secret! Damian gloats what could it be? Now listen to this! The mountain behind this village has been worshiped as sacred for ages but, at the foot of that mountain, theres an open air Furo. And that Furo - drum roll please - has a sign written Ladies!
As Arnie stares blankly, Joes starting to get a picture of what happened. Did Damian get caught because he was distracted peeking into the ladies bath? O-Okay, thats enough questions for a day besides, as Damian skillfully changes the subject, theres something more important for them to consider! That is: our ladies are in that very Furo right now! Mamoru, Kenji and Kouichi stand at attention.


Location: Akoros Outskirts
